Effecto FSG-4 | electrical

품번: RBTX-EFCT-0010

The Flexible Smart Gripper (FSG) is a fully electrically actuated gripper with flexible, soft bodied fingers for handling objects of varying size and weight.

일반적인 배송 시간: 3

신제품 하이라이트

RBTX tool ICON v1 lil -svg


  • Fully electrical

  • Programmable Open - Close finger position settings

  • FDA compliant

  • Enhanced Intelligence version: Part confirmation & Force control

  • Compatible to collaborative robots

Finger-blue-with-arrows draw-2048x1806 (1)


The Flexible Smart Gripper™ (FSG) allows for the picking and placing of a multitude of shapes and sizes due to its patented, FDA compliant silicone fingers, actuated by a fully electric system. The ability to rotate in the Roll degree of freedom, while keeping rigid in the Pitch and the Yaw degrees of freedom, allows for dependable, soft, and flexible gripping of delicate objects.

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