RBTX Test Before Invest service

변형 제품: Advanced test package

품번: RBTX-TEST-500

We test your application. You receive a feasibility statement for your automation process with a fixed price offer. We have already carried out 1000+ tests. Depending on the requirements of your process, we have the right test package for you. You receive:

  • A fixed price offer
  • Cycle time
  • Video of the application

If you decide to order the components, you will receive a discount of 500€.

일반적인 배송 시간: 3

신제품 하이라이트

LCA GEN RBTX test before invest DE 2

Have your application tested now!

The extended test package includes:

  • We test customized applications

  • You get a video, fixed price offer & cycle time

  • €500 will be credited in case of a robot order

Get your test done now

RBTX로 구축된 저비용 솔루션

전문가와의 무료 영상 통화 예약

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애플리케이션을 보여주세요
The expert finds all components with you
You get a fixed price offer