Robotic arm with AI-based cameraigus GmbH
한국이구스 robolink® DP 5 - 적용 가능한 분야igus GmbH
Farmionic - 농업을 위한 혁신Farmionic
Gantry Robot Creates an Apple-Gripping MachineLMD
Automated weed controlnaio Technologies
Harvest robotFraunhofer IPK
Indoor farming with robotsTrella Technologies
Automated growing of vegetables and herbsFARMIONIC
Strawberry harvesting applicationAINAC Systems, Inc.
농업의 로봇 공학: 스마트 실내 농업Intelligent Growth Solutions
레이저 로봇으로 잡초 제거PONCHON SAS
A can of wormsSuperwurm