Safety Dialog

Safety Dialog
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변형 제품: On site

품번: RBTX-CMSE-0002

In a direct 1:1 exchange of experts, we discuss your automation / robot concept together and derive the necessary safety requirements from it - this gives you an overview of your safety to do's as well as options for the final implementation of your application already in the concept phase.

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신제품 하이라이트

Four hours of 1:1 dialog with the safety expert on site on your individual project and operating environment.

As a process expert, you have the best ideas for your automation/robot application - we know the safety requirements inside out. We will explain to you in a simple and understandable way which requirements you have to fulfill with regard to machine safety. Whether you want to implement your project "fenceless" or classically with "safety fence" - we show you the right way as well as the suitable solution possibilities. Together we discuss the standards & guideline research - this gives you clarity already in the concept phase, which requirements you have to fulfill. The result of our discussion is your specific safety checklist - you can see at a glance what I can implement on my own and where I need further expert support.

Based on the dialog, you will receive a checklist as documentation of the results with the next steps for implementation.

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